specially, as it is SO easy to be normal, and good, would not make me sad more if that would be hard or near impossible... ..but just becouse it is SO easy to be better and for most, this would not take to much greater investment, most common people actually would win greatly, save great amount time and resources from activities they do not need to do these same activities that keep alive forces in their life, country, worlds, that are prisoning them, just even simple physical level the amount that sigarettes and alcohol is Taking From preople (all levels) and how much it gives to these ones who have pleanty and these Company owners seems not to be so much of in to investing this income to making world better... People complain how politicians have a lot of money (not at all for my oppinion, if they would do real job) but same time give near % pretcentage of their entire leftover income, to these billionaires, as subscribtion, monthly, even the poorest ones... and then they find time to blame relgion, politics and system and ... well, up to the ones who give them life. And even the ones that we feel are smart ones, in terms of they not a perverts, ...they not getting it, it is SO mysterious for me, from long time ago, how SO simple thesis, out of all other problems that need actual thinking minute or years, how so simple, clearthing,..: "Do You like a deal: you put mostly bad tasting and smelling poison libe substanses into your body regulary, that are mentaly and physicaly addictive in a way of tortering you if you do not in the end (so they blackmail you as mafia), makes you weaker in many levels, makes pain in the end for most, gives no actual benafit, destroy's health for what you have to pay extra, removes ability to feel love and understand what is good, .... AND now pay for that as slave every month, take it from money that you can use for making gifts for lovedones or eat something good... AND MOST PEOPLE, WILLL SAY WITH THEIR ACTIONS: YES , GREAT, FOR SURE! And then keep blaming "the system" This is just at times sad-funny, confusing, amazing, mysterious..... it is like a dream it self, some illusion in where i feel trapped, as logically how can that be a possible, sigarettes specially, i mean, i use cannabis, that have creat clear god directing benafiting attributes, smells also good and is healthy when eating in many ways, and maybe, MAYBE should also not be burned, i can understand when people abuse something like that or will get confused... but with something that CLEARLY has no advantage ...? And even, if that would not be all, then in the end, inm TV's, media, even the conservative ones, will not talk about it in harsh terms, how it is, Gov it self does not say that it is extreme mental ilness when human is engadged in to these activities, why they would not say it.. i mean NO WHERE related to public media. so when in Hitler times, //cut off (good for me is not even plastic imaginary "perfect godliness" , but state that allows people knowingly to do good acts one after another, perfect, perfection is when person in whatever state of mind, just keep doing good after good knowing that this will end up in better and better , for someone, but mostly for sure for God (and really, do not like to call up on the name as this when is times of trouble or confusion, as in a way, what is a God got to do whit it when the fault is on Good people who fail to believe and understand the benafit of ongoing beterment of everyone around them who are mindles still.. )) // just in simple earth level, not adding to a mix of all the natural or unnatural spirits and control mechanisms, ... that are easy to overthrow on to levels that they will show who and where they are in their true face, seperate from a people ... there has been not more perfect time to "convert/enlighten" inform, help, everyone to see, understand and know what is better and how, ... all the technology is here and missing ones we can invoke with ease, so at least if needed the battle.. we can have real one, not on the level where we have to deal with drunk people and argue with the ones who protect expresion freedom of perversions promoting freak artists, when kids want to put something rediculas as clothing and go to school with it then this is not allowed but in TV some ADULT can be many levels sicker, and he is honored by parents idols as great Artist. ahh.. where i go with it. nothing new to You on these things... these things for sure, , but if that helps, to repaint my sides of personalaty and thoughts, then at least helpful for that... have not get in to the extreme idiotic situation of computer software and copy right even jet, this is another mautains of burden, will try to not get in to it but in short, i personally would be able with ease to make linux or Microsoft products much better in most arias that bother most people. and live on the edge of homelessness, as just so hard to focus on fiance making among the ones who care not even hour to talk some productive sense about what do do, plan to do , and help to do something outside ourself. // this reminded me that should perhaps now also soon calm down.. and try to focus on sending You actually something benefitial, .. but as i told... i know how to form benefitial producs, but how to form them with a people who lissten and who is able to respond back and keep direction up, in right direction any time they see wagon to go offroad, as i am mor ethen sure,with right kind of plant-tools, and combinatin of people, is pretty hard to get God focused people off the road, .. as long they agree on simple understandings of matriarchy, a bible (as this should remind a Torah) and intelligent-plants, that clear a vision and show same things from many perspectives. I only really rare times access these tools, in what i should swin actually, for full benafit, probabaly.. but this has been more then enought to confirm 100% positive and needed in these times sepcially where we are in, has when someone accesses our minds in dreams or in forceful interigation, there is plants and tools from Earth that can reset us back to clearity again, there is plats that can show and teach us unreadabale things,and make you understand what you have read before. as long you take these plants with intent to help. they might show us often times not what we want, but as long we understand they show us what is needed, then ... well i guess there is a lot of times for me to go.. and some plants and tools trully are the kind, that you perhaps end up in another times, but this is actually my aria of true interest and work that would liek to do, but would liketo secure my self with a women and few friends, family and a wealth before this, as greatest mistakes have been in another way to jump in to this whitout being able to continnue later. as then you understand how messed.. HOOW messed al lis, whit out preperation and whit out tools to do anything about it, and as you have jumped to new mind, then also will be whit out friends who helped to hold you in illusions/activity before. Activity with no greater value... as have been drunkard in a way and a liberal in a way my self, then have had personal contacts with so much of it, inside, and already then it bothered me, but in secret thought others are better and admired them as they got much that i did not... and now.. i feel so much more right, as they got so much, i need to work on, to even get these levels, to have living or functional family, wife, education (for what it is worth) or friends who would agree to do things togheder in one mind for free, .. and they got all that, including health.. and then they choose to waste their time and keep each other away from so much important .. to keepeach other changing world better or to go to some smarter people to seek wisdom and guidence and info about history's... what is their exuse... //again, this was not a plan to write.. but when it comes.. it comes.. let it be.. // at least good for my self as psycoalalysis perhaps. // about the plants more, one thing more.. the systems have worked hard to put on the prpecanda, thsat makes people to use these things wrong, in a way that they would think the moment of clearence was illusion and that the have to return to "normallaty" after a "just trip". Like the famous larry "tune in DROP OUT" ... WHY in a world would smart person advice people to DROP OUT from a God realizations where they by lottery chnace can step in... and well.. as it was so powerful.. and people keep play around in and out, n and out.. no wonder they broke down and got inflatrated with messedup idelogies of not caring abut society when the point should have been helping society. why did the haward educator Larry not figured this one out with great psychology knowedge. If to belive, he was sensire in desire. With connect the beards, NY event, you probably meet many real important people who got contacts to medicate tens of millions with a less then one boddle of substance. if the realizatons of connections would have been fully prepared by middle links, kind of the ones as my self. (one of the cryptic nickname i invetned for my self long tiem ago was middlelink, as this is also one of te main parts of my job, to be midle link between imprtances, to make connections, to collect all we can see to have potential and value to someother elses who in return then can escalate and connect values with third ones..etc... as long the values, are really good ones, they are worth to link up, if expression core is same, heart in the end is near same... there is many vizualisations on my mind that have not learned words for... and the fact that i have not words, MAYBE have helped to think larger in some scale.,., as some words in combination in mind might also bee limiting of soul. might right?) So when i say, "perfection is absolute minimum" For me, that i accept, this is what i mean: someone who, even if alcoholic or poor, will do all the good things as much they can whit aim to make more personalty change in future, who with great interest will add knowledge about how is better, who like to evolve and not worry about finish nor waiting any celebrations, just holding strongly that one got and k //cut off it was great string of emotion, but well, thought went on some direction as that.. -------------- restart: Irony in large scale, rabbi, whit out a beard, wearing a communist-capitalist uniform & tie of "obedience under man" (Rabbi Berel Wein https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVV9PssLpZs ) and giving lecture about how Jew's have been becoming acculturated. he is old man, for Who does he cut a beard for, for who wearing a uniform, would they not allow him to speak if not ? Would people pay less attention ? Would they trust more? in the end people would trust more, if humans would be natural, why to wear most un practical clothing, most uncomfortable besides astronaut uniform perhaps, just looking this it self bothers me so deeply makes me hard to focus, as mind is telling "if so in age, most MOST liberal age in planetary scale we have had.. to wear Anything one wants (literally: : https://www.facebook.com/businessoffashion/photos/a.10150246494927428.325888.179471312427/10154747507582428/?type=3&theater ..he on image got a touch of originality at least, some Thinking related to what he wears how ever sad it looks... what is the excuse of intelligent CULTURALLY educated people.. to put on this uniform and TIE... man.. TIE top of that around the neck.. WHAT is the benefit of this TIE ?? Wipe a mouth? ) I have really hard case to make for Jew's as some how different people. Him making failed self critical joke on minute 30 about "2000 y ago there was 7 million jews and 14 million chinese, now there is 14 million jews and billion chinese.. ... well if there would be billion jewish people then there would be no undevelop realestate, Amazon forrest would be long gone" ------ I just can not express enough, how much i am bothered by it, even more when Estonians wearing this saicopaths murders uniform, even thought that insults personally. Rabbi Berel Wein is explained as: "eminent historian, a distinguished rabbi and a captivating storyteller. With his unique grasp of over 3,000 years of Jewish history " IS THIS A JOKE on us ??? in to our face. looking the uniform, uniform that has MOST known association with anything anti-Jewish, anti-natural, anti-god. And entire Room of "Jewish minded" people, and no one says nothing, // Will try to contact him about it, but as my writting is not appropriate for specially people wearing ties, and i get to emotional about it at times, .. then will have to put that in period when more calm and find somone to proofread & reinterpet my thoughts, (will include original anyway, specially, so they would see.. HOW LOW, is calling them Up) // How can i keep belief that this is something more then some alien trapped illusion when these kind of things happen where ever one looks. // cut off ----- have not figured out the grapes, rasins part jet.. other then just a test or perhaps this grape has some spiritual connection to bad worlds... and the word in my language is "Viina-Mari" meaning literally "Vodga-Berry" .. that does sould like not a best name to put for this plant.. (Mari is also really famous name in Estonian, with a " i " ) few more words in estonia, so this share amount of text would have some benefit also: LOOdus - nature (LoodusLik - natural) LOOja - Creator LOOm - animal LOOming - creativity Loo - Create! or Story (as "owned by a stoy" not as "a story" that is "Lugu" from Same word, in another form, we got 14forms+ ) Loogiline - logical Loojang - sundown inimeseLoom - humanAnimal Iseloom - SelfAnimal / personalaty Loomupärane - congenital / natural (related to personallaty type of animals or humans) Loomulik - natural (as normal behaviour of living, also unliving) / unlaboured ajaLoolane - time+story-an - hisotrian ajaLooAllikas - time+story+fountain/source - historical source Also all words as antropoloog, psüholoog, /()"loog" it self meaning cut down hail in in rapart, but it is in category "to much looking in to", as with "kaas" // // uhh.. getting to end with it.. todays feeling as "what is needed t odo as job in this limit what can be done today" and with so much of related ot word Creator... and people still think of .. god knows what, well, hopefully, if needed, one knows, but for share hope of saving lovedones mind God does not need to know always, in hope of caring thoughts.. would be hard to hanle these amount of unneeded thoughts humas are part of thank You for who ever is reading this draft notes, it is not meant to be as proper writting, just clipses in between something benefitial can be, partly for my self, aprty for just in case and partly, as peraps this who reads, does have use of this as why else, i was feeling, that need to send that.. (kind of worry more, to send not,specialy if someone palns to do more ten me, ... a lot DO more (and in some measurment: most do).. but i just say, if they plan to do,,) and yes, newer (even when someone throws dead body on me) in my life will have plan to cut one hair --- Sorry also, if that has become to bothersome at times or out of some established norms of modesty, i am not jet whit my self in these levels, to be able to be cal enough to keep correctness. -- -- -- -- // this topic for ..had feeling was also important to send, to get some feedback on it, is it normal thing to philosophy, to wonder, to consider about. Made post like that on our largest Christian forum: " " Jeesus on Anti-Kristus Asjalikud arutused selle võimalikusest miks seda nii nähakse, kas on lubatud? (kui siin abi saadi: https://www.facebook.com/groups/293633854084473/permalink/1324896087624906/ ) " Asjakohane video also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6IYvP07LG4 asjade alustuseks. Kuigi võib siin tuua Rooma ajastul tehtud, uue testamendi ütlused, eriti mis keegi ise enda kohta ütleb, kuid kas kogu tegevus oli ikkagi Jumalik? Mulle endale aga ei meeldinud Jeesuse ülbus kui suures mõttes kuidas kogu see lugu on inimesed Jumala ja jeesuse vahel eraldanud, inimesed malvetavad millegi prast jeesuse poole, kuid võiks ju otse Jumala? -- is that appropriate?