Few words more, less important, Just time by time give me some human insurance, setting up some other account in where You can answer apolitically in some things, if needed, // // as i told, all my letters i plan to make open to others also, as i feel it unfair, that only few people can access (besides me and You) to our writings, in a trust i usually share , my account passwords also, to a people, just as then when someone Has interest, they have option to satisfy curiosity or just look around more, among letters, to get more learning from me, to get to know me and others more, or at least a little. whit money is easy to fix a world but for now my self still in stage of figuring out directing wealth so that finance would not ruin the aim of world fixing. I mean ,that worry's me that there seem many possible ways that wrong specially to small amount of making money is becoming a "CoffinNail" or "a stone" for sinking the actual most best options that would have been possible to use, for faster, larger aims, that would have changed many, from inside out, organizations including, tv networks, much more, so there would have been no need to set up the amazing counter" attack " systems, _______ When looking around, something about my land(pop music) or politics, is better before looking around ask from me, leaving it to computers alone (or the ones who focus on just their own likeness or statistical average besides filtering out "what is needed"), will not be so rewarding. or someone who w // okey, will finish that thought some other day, when You bring it up -- Be Good!