Adam Dunbar
Hey fuckwit, I am not an American, which seems to be the basis of your misspelt little arguments. I would make fun of Estonia but that backward little place has sufered enough.

Good luck next time the Russians have a spare weekend and decide to invade.
13 April 2008 08:47
Margus Meigo
"the more Eurotrash that get nuked the better."

- this was reply to this :)
2 April 2008 22:33
Margus Meigo

at least we do not need to pay 60 % of our depth to china like USA has to.. well ..u know how many trillions usa owns money to others?? do u even have any fucking idea how "not so supper power" u guys are actually soon? & all these wars u cant win ... :D
Only reason USA still is going on is because china wants it that way and there is big market, because every retard uses credit card for everything :D ... but this is just a small point...

(no, i do not hate usa and i do not want to bomb it, just scum like u shall be shoot )
2 April 2008 22:31