Margus Meigo
(or something like that, but this will give an idea of levls current earth people should be considered as ready and normal, calm. Travel between other worlds was common knowladge old times .. now it sounds like science fiction to some)
29 January 2015 16:49
Margus Meigo
Great great, just know
We already know all how to be
But the aliens who invaded our species, do not know how to controll us, so they need to study and make legislatins and tests, this is basics (there is many types of aliens and spirits that have break door open in to this world.. and they use human body to make crime )
We already know all how to be
But the aliens who invaded our species, do not know how to controll us, so they need to study and make legislatins and tests, this is basics (there is many types of aliens and spirits that have break door open in to this world.. and they use human body to make crime )
29 January 2015 16:45
Adrià Pérez Cros
But I will continue this conversation with pleasure in other moment.
29 January 2015 16:43
Adrià Pérez Cros
And my friend, I must go to dinner, I have people waiting for me.
29 January 2015 16:43
Adrià Pérez Cros
Need? No, is not a question of need.
29 January 2015 16:42
Margus Meigo
or lao tzu students, tibetian monks or native amazonians ?
29 January 2015 16:42
Margus Meigo
like You think Native americans or latin american shamans need some lecures about human behavor ?
29 January 2015 16:41
Adrià Pérez Cros
Yeah, "southerns" also.
29 January 2015 16:41
Margus Meigo
we have thought about ALL about hman behavor and ethics long time ago,
29 January 2015 16:40
Adrià Pérez Cros
Wow, that's interesting.
29 January 2015 16:40
Margus Meigo
29 January 2015 16:40
Margus Meigo
i mean, that this is alien to us
29 January 2015 16:40
Adrià Pérez Cros
What do you mean?
29 January 2015 16:39
Margus Meigo
as prper northen people do not bullshit about ethics and behavor as we have thought that one out thousands of years ago
29 January 2015 16:38
Margus Meigo
but how do you know if you speak with a Northen person or Anty Northen perosn who lives in northen ?
29 January 2015 16:38
Adrià Pérez Cros
The carreer of Philosophy is almost focused on ethics and social behavior.
29 January 2015 16:37
Adrià Pérez Cros
In the University of Vilnius, for example.
29 January 2015 16:37
Adrià Pérez Cros
My point is, for now I think that in "norden" culture in general, there's most preocupation for ethics.
29 January 2015 16:37
Margus Meigo
good one still
29 January 2015 16:36
Adrià Pérez Cros
Well it was an example.
29 January 2015 16:36
Margus Meigo
yes but hippie is not really as much of a culture as a knowledge,
29 January 2015 16:36
Adrià Pérez Cros
We are going very fast. XD
29 January 2015 16:35
Adrià Pérez Cros
I mean...
29 January 2015 16:35
Adrià Pérez Cros
Yeah, of course, and rigth now anybody is a "member" of just one culture, I can be spanish and also, for example be a "member" of hippie culture and the same time a kind of hipster culture or wharever.
29 January 2015 16:35
Margus Meigo
and in the end result, it is different who will be kept on the earth and who will not be, by the God
(higher spirits)
(higher spirits)
29 January 2015 16:35
Margus Meigo
the values are different, the lookng of issues nad probelms are diffferent, solutions are different
29 January 2015 16:34
Margus Meigo
and if you are hunter then your thinkng about value of life, is different , hten farmer who grows plants
29 January 2015 16:34
Margus Meigo
something liek tha... so it is part of culture also after a time, as there is hunters culture and vegetarians culture
29 January 2015 16:33
Adrià Pérez Cros
I agree
29 January 2015 16:33
Margus Meigo
like some country , france, russia, some others, look their part of culture, as they are invaders in a world who with force will make others as tehy want
29 January 2015 16:32
Adrià Pérez Cros
of course
29 January 2015 16:32
Margus Meigo
well but all is these thing connected, innit ?
29 January 2015 16:31
Adrià Pérez Cros
My point is not, right now directing on history, just in the experience of that comunication.
29 January 2015 16:31
Adrià Pérez Cros
No, i'm not talking on that sense. My point is moore intuitive, But this year I speak with a lot of "norden" people, and there's always that "something" that makes comunication really hard and also interestning.
29 January 2015 16:31
Margus Meigo
or is the nature loving part of culture?
29 January 2015 16:31
Margus Meigo
like was the war part of culture ?
29 January 2015 16:30
Margus Meigo
(no blame on you, but on the contects of spanish invading and messing up Philipine culture and .. well the other invasions (that i think are fomr greek-romans actually, but hey.... whatever that) )
29 January 2015 16:30
Margus Meigo
So tell me, what is spanish culture
29 January 2015 16:29
Adrià Pérez Cros
And of course, the frontier means shit.
29 January 2015 16:29
Adrià Pérez Cros
No, Stonian - spanish.
29 January 2015 16:29
Margus Meigo
Sumerians? Hebrews? Grek-Romans? Asia ? Africa some triebe, native americans ?
29 January 2015 16:29
Adrià Pérez Cros
An with that, I mean national culture, in that specific case, betwen you and me, south and nord.
29 January 2015 16:29
Margus Meigo
whos culture?
29 January 2015 16:28
Adrià Pérez Cros
Yeah, I understand your point, but you know I think that the fundamental core of our discussion, and that's dangerous to say, (but honesty I'm starting to think this in my stage of live) it's Culture.
29 January 2015 16:28
Margus Meigo
and when one is prositute then any one with a random energy can come and messup her wellbeing
and then if she lowes... the other man... she would not want to bring this bad energy to him..
also not really benefitial
and then if she lowes... the other man... she would not want to bring this bad energy to him..
also not really benefitial
29 January 2015 16:27
Margus Meigo
as alchol is not really possible to keep humans in a love proper
it is a fact
it is a fact
29 January 2015 16:26
Adrià Pérez Cros
Don't worry.^^
29 January 2015 16:26
Margus Meigo
(i am a bit raw today, but my intention is stil lgood)
29 January 2015 16:24
Margus Meigo
you should love ANYWAY whatever the other one is or does, this is elementary
but you should work in it, to make other one better
specially yourself, for the other
but you should work in it, to make other one better
specially yourself, for the other
29 January 2015 16:23
Margus Meigo
but if they would realy know what love is, then they would drop to be a drunker and prositute,
man would do that,
and would start great life togheder
a few dosages of LSD would have helped them there easy
BUt yes i know what you talk about, this wersion of love that they had is just a basic normal love that all humans had between them self, live yourself and let other live,
this is minimum normal standard not high goal
just most humans are below any kind of measurment on the scale of love
man would do that,
and would start great life togheder
a few dosages of LSD would have helped them there easy
BUt yes i know what you talk about, this wersion of love that they had is just a basic normal love that all humans had between them self, live yourself and let other live,
this is minimum normal standard not high goal
just most humans are below any kind of measurment on the scale of love
29 January 2015 16:22
Adrià Pérez Cros
And the negation of that, is what it cause the problem of comunication.
29 January 2015 16:20
Adrià Pérez Cros
And that moment it can be shorter or larger, but at the end that's the reality of every relationship.
29 January 2015 16:19
Adrià Pérez Cros
The beauty of that relation is that no one can expect to change the other, and then is when they really get close, not as a couple, just as two persons sharing a brief moment of his life.
29 January 2015 16:18
Margus Meigo
and, (tell me more, about movie)
29 January 2015 16:18
Adrià Pérez Cros
Is the love between a prostitute and a drunk man ho want's to kill himself drinking, litteraly.
29 January 2015 16:17
Adrià Pérez Cros
There's a film, called, Leving las Vegas, where there's the expression of that love that I'm talking about.
29 January 2015 16:16
Adrià Pérez Cros
The example of smoking is quite good actually.
29 January 2015 16:16
Adrià Pérez Cros
Yeah, but in your example there's already a hierachy in the moral sense. That's the problem for me, that love that I describe It should be of mutual acceptance, but that doesn't mean passivity.
29 January 2015 16:15
Margus Meigo
same with smoking
29 January 2015 16:14
Margus Meigo
not caring if it is rigth or wrong
29 January 2015 16:14
Margus Meigo
as these kind of huspands will say "if you love me you do that.." kind of things
29 January 2015 16:14
Margus Meigo
if coupple is in merriage
and huspand realllly likes anl sex
and wife does not like it as naturally normal people do not
what should she do, according to your love teachings, accept a man and let him degrade her ?
and huspand realllly likes anl sex
and wife does not like it as naturally normal people do not
what should she do, according to your love teachings, accept a man and let him degrade her ?
29 January 2015 16:14
Adrià Pérez Cros
No, is not based on ignorance, I'm not talking about blind acceptance.
29 January 2015 16:14
Margus Meigo
mimimum at least once you should corect everyone you can (even for the sake of reciving back information why they are right and you wrong)
29 January 2015 16:12
Margus Meigo
becouse acceptanse of wrong and ignoring it , caring to little to change, does not help the love but makes it fall a part
29 January 2015 16:11
Adrià Pérez Cros
Why not the opposite attitude? I think that the expression of true love is accepting the path of the other. An I don't mean to follow him, I mean acceptance even of his changes, somway, the co-existence knowing that there's always a wall betwen.
29 January 2015 16:10
Margus Meigo
But i like your coution : )
29 January 2015 16:05
Margus Meigo
""Everybody want's control in his more deep inner self, everybody wants adoration instead of love,"
No am sure everyone wants love in deep inner self
If you love persons, you tell them how to be and expect, trust them to do same for you (not letting you suffer in wrong way of living)
No am sure everyone wants love in deep inner self
If you love persons, you tell them how to be and expect, trust them to do same for you (not letting you suffer in wrong way of living)
29 January 2015 16:05
Adrià Pérez Cros
It's that your line? Because the use of your expresions, but at the same time they can be dangerous, so If we want talk, that's a good point to start, I thinks that's even crucial.
29 January 2015 15:39
Adrià Pérez Cros
You know, that thing of: "Everybody want's control in his more deep inner self, everybody wants adoration instead of love, and so on.
29 January 2015 15:37
Adrià Pérez Cros
I mean, qhen you say you expect of me to do the same, I think inmediatly in the honest expousure of the intentions of power and domination.
29 January 2015 15:36
Adrià Pérez Cros
Well, then my expectation are absolutely wrong. But I don't think that is necesary your reading about the inner intentions of our posible propositions. If I understand properly what do you mean by "saying how think and what to do".
29 January 2015 15:34
Margus Meigo
i expect you to do same, if you do know.
Or if it is part of ur philosophy to do so
Or if it is part of ur philosophy to do so
29 January 2015 15:33
Margus Meigo
for sure i do
29 January 2015 15:32
Adrià Pérez Cros
Well, It's quite nice asking questions, I expect that you don't say to me how I must Think or act.
29 January 2015 15:32
Margus Meigo
(this is what i do on my life right now, am asking questions from people and tell them what to do and how to think )
29 January 2015 15:30
Margus Meigo
But tell me more,
about what have you thought out so far, why you lear what you learn and what are your most radical thoughts that if you would have magic wand you would initiate ?
about what have you thought out so far, why you lear what you learn and what are your most radical thoughts that if you would have magic wand you would initiate ?
29 January 2015 15:29
Adrià Pérez Cros
It's an implicit of that "Hey"
29 January 2015 15:00
Adrià Pérez Cros
And I'm asking of course, what ar you doing, where the road take's you.
29 January 2015 15:00
Adrià Pérez Cros
You know, so my empty ei it has some sort of reason I think, or at least justification. XD
29 January 2015 14:59
Adrià Pérez Cros
So, the other day you tell me something, you ask me where the road take's me, and I was like, "Hey" let's gonna return to that day and go on frome there.
29 January 2015 14:58
Adrià Pérez Cros
And, the latest interest in philosophy is politics, of course in the universal treatment. Not for dedication, just, at the moment as contemplation or a space for the analysis of the present.
29 January 2015 14:55
Adrià Pérez Cros
I'm exactly still studyn philosophy, maybe writing sometimes. Lastly in very kind of puting myself in a new and forgotten situations, recovering some sense of humanity and stuff.
29 January 2015 14:54
Adrià Pérez Cros
Ok, ok, I will Try my best, but I don't promise anythyng.
29 January 2015 14:52
Margus Meigo
my self working still on word renuing
29 January 2015 08:51
Margus Meigo
do not just write "hey margus" and then ait
as it is not information for me, what that "hey margus" means ? There is no information in what you do, wanna do, about what you dream or what you want to know..
better aswer all that in one message, as long as possible
do not just write "hey margus" and then ait
as it is not information for me, what that "hey margus" means ? There is no information in what you do, wanna do, about what you dream or what you want to know..
better aswer all that in one message, as long as possible
29 January 2015 08:51
Margus Meigo
29 January 2015 08:49
Adrià Pérez Cros
Hey Margus
29 January 2015 01:20
Margus Meigo
17 December 2014 04:21
Adrià Pérez Cros
Ei man, I'm going to sleep now. But It's gonna be nice to share some histories soon.
17 December 2014 03:39
Margus Meigo
How have ya been wizard, how has been road and where has she take you ?
16 December 2014 21:36
Adrià Pérez Cros
25 November 2013 23:50