Margus Meigo
The actual origins, outside Greek mainstream education borders

Not even sure, how long this basis of education can stand when the Doors of others worlds will be open... am sure, there will be found a way for it, to explain why time was played with.
9 December 2015 05:25
Margus Meigo
You say "Compre este livro antes que as autoridades percebam e ele desapareça do mercado junto com todas as pistas de suas origens. "

What about sharing it to me, and i help to make sure much more, that this truth in the book will not get lost.

For our self, to only sale something means in purpose to limit that and with little money you can not limit something from anyone but peasants, at best.

So why limit, from them. Who them have been transporting messages from past to future before.

If You are unable to send me real book, send me an digital copy that is easy to make with a digital camera or scanner. Basic quality is alright.

Is the book help to make difference between origins of Spanish, Swedish and species of people as Abd al-Qādir ibn Muḥyiddīn or Estonians?
9 December 2015 05:24
Alberto Ferreira
Sure Bro ! You are wellcome ! Thanks !!
9 December 2015 02:01
Margus Meigo
Can You be called Albert?
9 December 2015 02:00
Margus Meigo
Greetings Sir

You have been recommended so many times to our Facebook system, that had to add this kind of "vahva" (in Est.) looking gent to our contact-list circle
9 December 2015 01:59