Margus Meigo
And where Ivana vent from a group?
Just try to rember, who had this great idea anyway to make this group back then
12 January 2017 17:53
Margus Meigo
Hey Hey,
You can add me to admin list also in Hobo Hilton
12 January 2017 17:52
Margus Meigo
Hey why ya guys keep the group "closed/secret"" anyway the Hobbo hilton one? Wasnt it kind of like point to get ore people know about the legends of london under streets or something, so it would be not so easy to take out anyone if more people know and see, or somehting ?
7 February 2015 23:53
Margus Meigo
would like to come to chelsea to film some interview with you guys, if everybody is agree would be great! Do you know til when you can stay there? My goal to do these interviews would be to do a video report (5/10 min) about squating, to break bad pre-jugement about it and to make them see that you're not aliens but normal people who like to live in community with other goals than money (i guess).there no probleme at all if somes don't whant to be film or whant to be anonymous. i,ve wrote questions and i've got full space on my camera. If you whant to be part this project your welcome of course. xx take care "
- selene cravic
12 November 2012 22:37