Barnaby Thieme
Hi Margus,

Thanks for contacting me. You are correct, I am writing from Erowid, and I'm afraid that we need to ask you to take the page down.

If you look at the Facebook Terms of Use, you will see that pages are intended to be run only by the organizations. The page looks like it is run by us, and people are obviously under the impression that it is an official Erowid page. This is clear from the comments. That really doesn't work.

In addition, that page is using our copyrighted images and text without our permission.

We really appreciate your interest in our site and your support, but we hope you can understand why we cannot allow people to present the appearance of being our representatives, using our content, when they are not.

Please be advised that we've contacted the Facebooks copyrights team about this and are waiting to hear back.

If you have any questions about this you can contact us at Please let us know how you plan to proceed.

Again, we appreciate your interest and do value your enthusiasm for our site - it means a lot to us. We hope you will understand why we must ask you to take the page down.

26 November 2008 00:11
Margus Meigo
if you want to spend time also in facebook page & update it whit news etc, i am more them happy to add you also as an administrator - it would be great to have someone real from EroWid whit us in faceboook :)
25 November 2008 02:44
Margus Meigo
Hello, i am the owner of this EroWid page - send just in case email also to you ( to confirm you identity.

Feel free to give me any successions or changes you would like to see there, they will be made!

Thank you!
25 November 2008 02:32