Margus Meigo
Hey, what You think of cannibalism, honestly?
I had this Nigerian friend who ensured, that most people in times of need, should and would eat other human to survive.
How You think, does it affect this what is called soul and spirit and how does that effect, or is it just a protein as mentioned Nigerian fellow told ?
I had this Nigerian friend who ensured, that most people in times of need, should and would eat other human to survive.
How You think, does it affect this what is called soul and spirit and how does that effect, or is it just a protein as mentioned Nigerian fellow told ?
3 November 2016 22:30
Margus Meigo
Well, lot of new but not much to share
3 November 2016 22:28
What's new with you ?
3 November 2016 22:20
It's good to hear from you
3 November 2016 22:19
So i decided to add you
3 November 2016 22:19
Just saw you on facebook
3 November 2016 22:19
3 November 2016 22:19
Margus Meigo
Greeting Greetings, How did You Find me ? : )
3 November 2016 21:43