Margus Meigo
free extra reading, when time

but thats a problem with a enlightening drugs at times, if used careslessly with out guide or desire to obay to god, they show how things are (new info, insight, realization, interpetation) but not what to do about it or why in deepest level,
specially today usage of smart drugs are kind of recless.. as smartness can ruin or kill a person if that is not acompanied by wisdom (as we know, wisdom usually is female..)

so i gues hes mind at times is locked up with intelligense and then missing father image apears (this can be implemented by wrong friends as well, who them self have that issue), the rebel.. the recless.. as some small missing parts is missing.. to realize.. that that strugle to get humans free from the opression has been lasted way longer then 2500 years here...

some say aliens, some say relgion, some say human stupdity, some say just rich people, some say normal stage of evolution.. some say thats just experience, some say its imaginary.. or thats jsut how it is and we can not do nothing... but we can, we can chnage ourself,
to as correct in most important things as possible

and wha i have noticed, that ower huge aria of history, they have operated (who ever thye are) by cousing dissobediance and rebel between family and man and women.. and then between nature and human but thats gos a bit to spiritual...

so in short, the hugest, smartest thing to do, to screw who ever the not good ones are, is to get along with a family and accept and keep wishing good to a friends... and not being controlled so much about public oppinion but to take that in to important account, that there is something , someone who couses people to be same.. and this power, if they can do that.. what else do they know,,

it is can not be just simple about money and power.. .as there has been same situations in different stages of history and present time in various regimes with no money or relgion, with no rulers an d rules.. with money and with out money.. .. but just by logic, to aply "love god and neigbhor" then things is solved (god as knowladge, of common trust, that other side of world they also accept same game rules)

the most imprtant sentence is the last sentence in old testament and also prverbs 8:27...31 i think (in there is important to ask, who She is who is speaking? Why.. how..)

So what else.. so mother love is most mandatory thing.. matriarchy.. nature.. love of parents, family.. womens generally.. veggan food and no toxins (magic mushroms are healthy)

oh, will give rest now, and see other corners of internet
23 March 2015 05:25
Margus Meigo
as we say in estonia "at least he is a human" (Ikkagi inimene... lit. : atleast human).
23 March 2015 05:07
Margus Meigo
i can imagine from hes behavor, that also was he a bit rebelt against family..
As u know the communism is dangerous thing.. and it was tring to get hold him long time ago.. kind of people who manipulate other people ambissions to "oo you so awesame if you can go and break this" kind of types.. .. i bet he had a lot these kinds around, who them self looked like ordinary peopl..

people in ties even often..

i think ,so nature deep exploration aay from mad people would beneeded time by time for him for sure.

so yeah.. role model ?
Yeah, on some things
23 March 2015 03:38
Margus Meigo
i am a bit of language anarchist as u can see, not pay to much attention to english, besides not being a native speaker

but yea.. there is some deep things in hes heart, if these get also fixed.. i think might be possible even, that there is no permant spirit damage fom it
23 March 2015 03:35
Margus Meigo
but ofcourse.. all other things.. that are no god like smoking, drinking at times.. and alowing to take drugs that is not benafit for mind (as he i think is really smart in science, chemistry besides loads of other philosphys... and these philosophies often are not scriptual... so they are meant to make upcoming remebr people self destructive, so they wouldnot reach to power.. or if they would reach then only if they are willing to do bad... but he is not really the kind who would stab person behind a back secretly ... maybe screwing you back , destring your physical world when u are away.. but not huring u secretly by cleverness.. thats good as he is not evvil)
23 March 2015 03:21
Margus Meigo
Well, hes is legend on hes own way among the people and has way more rightfulnes inside then most of the people i have seen in street, like heart kind of rightfulness.

and hes mind i think last time i was seen was made way big leap to the direction of good.
Some wrong kind of people and drugs and bitternes and self bitty.. makes people act like rebel or jerk at times..

specially as hes heart is sensitive people can throw shit deep down in to there.. as you shouldsee some of the fakeness and unjust that is among the people Tom is keepin in normallity.. by plaing some music and bringing people togheder.. by not doing it intentiolly but just by being he self, not ever sucking up to anyone but stays hes ground he belives is right and lets peoplechnage them self around him..

some people are like snakes.. and bite and suck around you to get warm another times.. and he is often not forgeting to mention these people who screw him, when they are back around him with oter people.. "Hey You remeber... one time you todl that.."
or something like that.. to test again if person has really chnaged ones heart good or is just still fake..

at times, with emotions.. these things go wrong, old times when i remeber him things even went chaotic.. at times... but in whole.. he has probabaly good family as this kind of hearts is not just growing on trees randomly..

he got this royal feel to him
23 March 2015 03:18
Margus Meigo
Is that picture for real what is on backround.. that looks so.. unreal good way
23 March 2015 03:09
Chris Palmer
yo man, yeah tom's my big brother. what a role model eh?!
23 March 2015 00:15
Margus Meigo
Greetings, Are You like a brother for a Tom or something ? : )

Good if You are!
22 March 2015 05:57