Margus Meigo
Greets to Your mother also
5 October 2016 00:40
Dimitar Grudev
Ok, let me know
5 October 2016 00:26
Margus Meigo
when i find will let ya know
4 October 2016 23:32
Margus Meigo
and bysycle
4 October 2016 23:27
Margus Meigo
the ones on the railway
4 October 2016 23:27
Dimitar Grudev
No, which videos do you mean?
4 October 2016 11:18
Margus Meigo
they pretty good
just a little bit rassist in one spot but this adds to a pack maybe, or maybe to add a comment on that sport (if ya need to add a comment, or a Rus and Eng subtitles on to the video someday, this would be good)
4 October 2016 06:25
Margus Meigo
Did ya ever spot the videos of ours in yt ? : ))
4 October 2016 06:22
Margus Meigo
Yeeeey! Thanks for the wishes!
4 October 2016 06:22
Dimitar Grudev
Happy Birthday
Wishing you a lot of health, love, joy, happiness and a year full of wonderful moments :-)
16 May 2016 18:57
Dimitar Grudev
2 January 2016 00:13
Margus Meigo
Yes for the moment, then is still potential to rise and do good
1 January 2016 21:49
Dimitar Grudev
At the moment both of us are alive, which is great
1 January 2016 21:45
Margus Meigo
Great to see you alive
1 January 2016 21:38
Margus Meigo
1 January 2016 21:38
Margus Meigo
Great thanks my soviet pal
1 January 2016 21:38
Dimitar Grudev
Happy New Year!
Wishing you a lot of health, love, joy, happiness and a year full of wonderful moments!
1 January 2016 04:04
Dimitar Grudev
Not yet
7 January 2015 16:01
Margus Meigo
Did You hear few hours of Alan Watts lectures?
7 January 2015 14:51
Dimitar Grudev
Yes. For me it is not so new...
7 January 2015 08:56
Margus Meigo
did u get some new wave of thoughts or view in to and about politics and upper class? : 9
7 January 2015 02:17
Dimitar Grudev
Yes ;-)
5 January 2015 12:50
Margus Meigo
that is much cleaner
5 January 2015 12:27
Margus Meigo
these corporations limiting open document format :D
5 January 2015 12:26
Dimitar Grudev
Yes, I have seen the docs, nut as it is.odt I will open it later on my pc to take look over
5 January 2015 11:51
Dimitar Grudev
I haven't seen nice lyrics for long time
5 January 2015 11:50
Margus Meigo
did u find a doc?
am will go and wash dishes now.. will be back soon
5 January 2015 11:50
Margus Meigo
but about pop stars later
(we often blame the media and then base our opinions about people based on ... MEDIA :D:D )
5 January 2015 11:50
Margus Meigo
so am hope these fev videos will give some hints, that there is humans also among groups that seem hopeless... and top of that there is a loads of pop stars who lyrics are powerful and smart enough to invoke dead
or at least make dead person alive
and in that level, many pop stars has put so deep information on their songs and lyrics.. that seems "normal" to us... as we not realize.. this is truth... they have done great job ... for the days that come
5 January 2015 11:49
Margus Meigo
Allan watts even give lectures and education to US army and IBM tech labs on 60 s
5 January 2015 11:47
Margus Meigo
it is still not like Allan Watts or some psychedelic revolutionists kind of truth but still, for their position and place where they are educated from, the friends that they have and what they think and do... this is big step for them
5 January 2015 11:46
Margus Meigo
related to that video another example of people on power try to make good and come open
5 January 2015 11:44
Margus Meigo here is another example where it at least it seems, they try to talk some truth
5 January 2015 11:43
Margus Meigo
on the bottom of the page do you see 3 docs ?
5 January 2015 11:42
Dimitar Grudev
I can't find the doc on the page
5 January 2015 11:41
Margus Meigo
for example, take look at that guy and hes other videos he looks normal as well, i think he even talks about ufos
5 January 2015 11:41
Margus Meigo
and everyone is best on something, God does not make useless stuf
5 January 2015 11:32
Margus Meigo
with care and carefulness, caution and most of all compassion

as inside them.. as they fully possessed and usable as remote controls ... by spirits or other systems.. their body and mind can be broken.. so there is some work to help them to become right and same time make sure they will not destroy to much what is needed to help them (like knowledge of plants etc)
5 January 2015 11:31
Margus Meigo
we gotta treat them like good hearted lost retarded children by the mother.. to help them walk to the finish, as near to the finish as possible.. but same time keep in mind they can be randomly dangerous as broken electricity box
5 January 2015 11:28
Margus Meigo
and the status where politics, the Hight of Greek empire that they build with starting of homo Alexander wars and "enlightement" (retardement actually) .. is on purpose.. this joke that we see now.. so they would see.. that avarage peasent is smarter then the one in power, and the one in power has less power then the one who lives in woods

now they just need their own kind, to explain it to them self so it is proof, and logical for them..
but it has to be done nicely.. so it will not crumble.. or we have a lot of wasted material and hurt and pain... some might even start destroy instead giving away toys they newer had in their hands actually
5 January 2015 11:27
Margus Meigo
the hebrew mind set is natural women thinking
the greek is the current politics and school system thinking

lets keep in mind, old times time travel and bending material was natural in many parts of world.. only now it has turned in to some magical scientsefiction that privileged "might access in future"
5 January 2015 11:24
Margus Meigo
that is how easy it is in grass root level
5 January 2015 11:22
Margus Meigo
if you look one mind set and another (this doc am will finish some day.. this is just draft)
then u can see eaisly from where the problem come
5 January 2015 11:21
Margus Meigo
there is doc HebrewVsgreks on that page

it seems long and scrible.. but it has a point
5 January 2015 11:21
Margus Meigo
business in natural form was before

but all the entertaiment, debating with no end.. and thinking there is other better places then earth for right now... this is the gift from Greeks-Romans-Hellenists (greek ConVerted christians... who no Christians at all on the fundamental beliefs... but just in knowledge )
5 January 2015 11:20
Margus Meigo
kreeks turned the religion to politics, as they invented the politics, police and the school system and business
5 January 2015 11:18
Dimitar Grudev
And as there is not a peace in the history, that is why they also conquered anyone
5 January 2015 11:17
Margus Meigo
in the beginning it was the truth
5 January 2015 11:17
Margus Meigo
right now
5 January 2015 11:17
Dimitar Grudev
Religion is politics
5 January 2015 11:17
Margus Meigo
am have one small doc for u if u have time to take look
5 January 2015 11:17
Margus Meigo
native americans... native africans.. asians.. how was possible, that all of them get invaded it seems
5 January 2015 11:17
Margus Meigo
the main problem is that we abandoned the religion to put it simply,
proper religion, in a hearts

jews had it one of the best but even them all was not perfect or how else would the space aliens or who ever the greeks was able to access entire earth resources.. unless it was destinied long time ago whatever the jews would have done...
well, at least they was able to preserve the word... and keep them self alive... and the shamans as well
5 January 2015 11:16
Margus Meigo
but it seems to me also.. that in this version of the world, most never even get near to imagining what they, we can be
5 January 2015 11:14
Margus Meigo
well, it is not like they would know to have coiche, is important to have compassion to all of them.. so u can utilize their potentials and skills and specialatyes and desires and hopes and top of all.. these rare things that just them alone are best at.. everyone is best at something am belive
5 January 2015 11:13
Dimitar Grudev
They have a lot of servants but as well they seem to be slaves, so they are not the vampires, but the stupid dolls
5 January 2015 11:12
Margus Meigo
like as long there is vampires there is hope that there is someone with blood u know
5 January 2015 11:11
Margus Meigo
I think there must be some good as wel, with a this is only thing that keeps them alive.. they always need fresh blood and to keep someone alive or they can not even excist
5 January 2015 11:11
Dimitar Grudev
I think all are like you have described
5 January 2015 06:56
Margus Meigo
only if they are Greek mind politician who lostthe heart, and love for women
5 January 2015 00:31
Dimitar Grudev
No... They just need more and more money. They have their own interests. So they don't want to know where they are from. They just want fast money
5 January 2015 00:21
Margus Meigo
well, politics are here to help us..
Greeks to blame.. and people.. as they choose politics instead of religion (as these are only 2 options we have)
but this will be solved once politics realises, where they come from
5 January 2015 00:02
Dimitar Grudev
That the politics are not sire from where to steal more ;-)
4 January 2015 23:48
Margus Meigo
whats the situation hilights?
4 January 2015 23:39
Dimitar Grudev
There is nothong calm in my place
  • 😢Margus Meigo
4 January 2015 21:57
Margus Meigo
Politics calmer, clearer in ur place?
4 January 2015 21:08
Margus Meigo
4 January 2015 21:08
Margus Meigo
: ))
4 January 2015 21:07
Dimitar Grudev
Yes, keep them amd many greetings to your homeland
  • 👍Margus Meigo
4 January 2015 20:16
Margus Meigo
Great Thanks from my homeland Dimitar! : ))

We need all of that You offered, well keep contacts warm!
4 January 2015 17:50
Dimitar Grudev
Happy New Year!

Wishing you a lot of health, love, joy, happiness and wonderful journeys in 2015!
3 January 2015 17:01