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56-nda Aasta Eesti Mängud toimuvad
Lakewoodis, 30-31 juulil

Reedel 30. juulil
9:40 e.l. - Golfi vôistlused 10-ne minutilise, korraldavad Eddie Tomson 908-735-4447, Andrus Ers 201-245-3556. RSVP The Pine Barrens Golf Club $ 75.00
19:30 p.l. - Keeglimängu (bowling'u) vôistlused Brunswick Lakewood Lanes'is (732-364-8080), 101 Locust Street, Lakewood, NJ, korraldab Toomas Tomson (847-271-6426), Marissa Karuks
20:00 p.l. - Tants noortele DJ saatel Eesti Majas, korraldab AJ Laupa.

Laupäeval, 31. juulil
9:00 e.l. - Kergejôustiku võistlused noortele Lakewood High School'i staadionil, 855 Somerset Ave (7th St. juures), korraldab Reino Truumees (201-274-4756)
10:45 e.l. -Tennis Pine Park'is Lakewood'i Country Club'i taga, korraldab Eric Pallop (609-658-3305)
12:30 p.l. Võrkpall Lakewood Eesti Maja platsil, korraldab Carl- Erik Skonberg (201-675-0969),, AJ Laupa (908-295-8899). Registreerimine 11:30 e.l.
13:00 p.l. - Ujumise vôistlused Ocean County YMCA's, 1088 West Whitty Road, Toms River, NJ, 08755-3279 (732-341-9622), korraldab Reino Truumees (201-274-4756)
18:00 p.l. - Isiklik auhindade jagamine noortele
19:15 p.l. - Defilee, üldauhindade jagamine parimate sportlastele ja valguspidu, korraldab Eric Pallop. Valguspeol esinevad Red Bulls Soccer road show, LI Lastesuvekodu, Katrina ja Shane Pallop ja Liina ja Aili Sarapik ja Toronto Kungla Rahvatantsijad. Au patroon Raimond Pals.
21:30 p.l. -Tants DJ saatel, korraldab AJ Laupa

Sissepaas reedel - $10, laupaeval - taiskasvanutele 18-64a - $23 (reede ja laupaev $30), lastele 0-5 a vaba, noortele 6-12a $5.00, noortele 13-17a $12.00 ja vanuritele 65 ja + $17.00, telgiplats $25.00
teejuhised on ka programmis mis antakse valja Lakewood Eesti Maja kassas; Google Maps, MapQuest, jne.
29 July 2010 16:18
Facebook User
Many may have heard about road construction at and around Lakewood Eesti
Maja. I will try to summarize its impacts and request your help during this
weekend's Lakewood Eesti Mangud.

The roadwork was initiated by the County and resulted in the entrance to
Lakewood Eesti Maja moving some 30 feet, an additional traffic light has
been added and the traffic pattern at the intersection of Cross Street and
Veterans Highway has been changed. The work also included putting in a very
large water retention area in the middle of the area we have used for
parking in previous years. The county road work has forced Lakewood Eesti
Uhing to re-route the roads on the Estonian property. The primary parking
area will now be in the area behind the saun (in the same field where we
have always parked). The road to/from this area will travel along the
hedge/fence, perimeter of the Estonian property and will turn in just before
the saun.

We have lost spaces and it is important that we use our space wisely. With
new traffic patterns and with concerns for the safety of all guests ... all
parking will be in the parking lot, we cannot have cars around volleyball
court, in back woods, etc. LEU and Spordiliit will be guiding you to help
coordinate parking - and we ask that you drive slowly (for the safety of all
attendees), and listen to and help parking staff. Together, we can ease the

If at all possible - please avoid bringing bottles or other glass products.
Glass breaks making it a safety hazard and clean-up is harder with large
amounts of glass bottles. Trash bags will be given to all tenters and trash
cans will be located around the grounds. We will ask volleyball players,
younger attendees to empty trash receptacles before the Saturday evening

Help Needed
Like other years, we ask for help.
If you can help at track or swimming - contact/see Reino or I.
If you can help with gate or parking - contact/see Tarmo or Virve.
If you can help with bartending, parking guidance, emptying garbage, etc -
contact/see Priit Parming, Heino Maasikas or Maie Currie.

We thank you in advance for your help and cooperation.

Eesti Spordiliit USA-s
29 July 2010 16:17