Facebook User
Dear Members of this group, I share this message for you from Jared Akama Ondieki of CEPACET in Kenya.

I continue to be grateful to all here in this group who have stood out to donate towards our Food Relief Program for Many Kenyans going hungry.

Once again from the bottom of our heart you touch our hearts and all who are receiving your donation here in Kenya.

We believe more can be achieved and hence by your generosity we are able to save a life.
Kindly for those willing to donate,Please use this link:

Together we can save a life.

Kind regards,

Jared Akama Ondieki.
Center For Partnership And Civic Engagement Trust.
P.O BOX 4855-00200
Nairobi- Kenya.

I hope that you all can visit the link provided and help out any way you can. Many lives are waiting for you.

-Luca Mele - Ecumenical Tribunal Party Leader
1 May 2009 06:11
Facebook User
Hey members how is everyone doing? The group is well on its way and has reached over 300 members and rising so thank you for your support! Just some recent updates I have added a new admin and officer to the group Luca Mele who is the Party Leader & creator of ETP (EcumenicalTribuneParty). Here is a link to his group please have a look and feel free to join.

I don’t know if anyone is faimilliar with the Heavy metal band No Assembly Reequired but Luca is the vocalist and you can watch his videos on Much Music or just visit his bands website

take care shane k
6 March 2009 07:05