Margus Meigo
lol, no meant today ;)

Take rest, i'l do same here, its 5 in morning
22 July 2011 05:11
Facebook User
Honestly, any other night I would be more than up for it. But I've been up since the buttcrack of dawn (something I'm really not used to) and I'm exhausted. I'm off to bed, but feel totally free to message me whatever you come up with! I'll read it when I wake up :D
22 July 2011 05:09
Margus Meigo
Well sayd :)

I am working on one movie idea, care to stay online for that once i am so far that idea can be understood and developed further?
22 July 2011 05:05
Facebook User
Little Big Planet gives you plenty of room for creativity. And when you're bored, things like that are constructed ;)
22 July 2011 05:02
Margus Meigo
Greetings interesting fellow

This masonic video game picture catch my eye :).
22 July 2011 05:00