Facebook User
Hello Fans,

Here is the details of the festival coming up on Nov 4,5,6 in Katel. Almost all is confirmed. Some 20 performances or so.
24 August 2011 04:34
Facebook User
Hello fans,

Servataguse Muusika has had some 30 events in the last 2 years and due to my not owning a camera I have no footage or archives of the past events. If anyone has any photos and video of past events please send them to my email:

I remember Lucas Abela smashing his face on a pane of glass, Halo Manash perfroming a ritual citation, Golden Cup tapping a box for strange sounds, Aymeric beat boxing then jumping to bird noises... a lot of territory and no archives. So if you can please send it my way.


31 July 2011 22:33
Facebook User
Don't miss it. The festival was a eye and ear opener so avoid mediocrity and catch these one of a kind performances @ EAST Galerii, Pikk 36. Nov 20.. doors open 9pm. See the event for more info and description:
20 November 2010 04:14
Facebook User
Here is the pdf for the Servataguse Muusika Festival 2010, this weekend Nov 12 & 13. Doors open 7.30pm each night. Peruse, enjoy and if you like print responsibly ;)
10 November 2010 03:34
Facebook User
Piletimüük EAST Galerii või helista 5811 0279

Festival peidetud pärlite ja filosoofiliste aaretega ootab sind! See raputab ruumi ja paljastab sinu.

Selle aasta festival toob meieni kaheksa välismaist esinejat Soomest, Lätist, Leedust ja Venemaalt ning hoolikalt valitud neli Eesti toetavat esinejat . Tegu on Soome-Balti-Slaavi regiooni eksperimentaalmuusikaga.

Helimaastik varieerub ülikülluslikust elektroonilisest muusikast ning paganlikust-militaristlikust industriaalmuusikast kuni Opium Lounge’i popi, ekstsentrilise koopamehe-roki, igasugu kola abil tekitatud voodoo-häälte, abstraktsete heliskulptuuride, varjulise lo-fi popi ja vabas vormis improviseerimiseni. Ükski esitus pole teisega võrreldav. Kõik kuuldu on aktiivne eksperimenteerimine heliga. Päevapilet 100, kahe päeva pass 150 krooni. 12. ja 13. november EAST GALERIIS, Pikk 36.

Piletid on eelmüügis EAST Galeriis.

Igal õhtul kuus esinejat!

Siiani on esinemist kinnitanud:

Nüm Nüm (Leedu)
1234567890 (Soome)
Barry Andrewsin Disko (Soome)
UMPIO (Soome)
Lhetargija (Läti)
Vapaa (Soome)
Alexei Pliousnine (Vene)
Sequoia 7 (Eesti)
Raul Keller & Mihkel Kleis (Eesti)
Villem (Eesti)
Kreatiivmootor (Eesti)


Teatud avangardsed hääled, mis kutsuvad esile rahvusluse ja piinamise sümboleid. Kui neil paluti oma lugudes Läti sildi all mitte vene keelt kasutada, soovitasid nad selle peale lesta tõmmata.

Nüm Nüm (Leedu)

Varjudest lähtuv popp. Võbelev ja hellitav nagu suits. See duo koosneb romantkutest selle sõna kõige algsemas tähenduses. Samuti on nad leidliku stiiliga. Tervitage Baltimaade vahemeremaalaste sooja entusiasmi.

1234567890 (Soome)

Tugevate murduvate helide sekka on pikitud mänglevalt perversne huumor. See on mingit sorti kunstibänd, kellel on veel meeles lapsepõlveaegne Black Sabbathi ja Iron Maideni kuulamine.

Barry Andrewsin Disko (Soome)

Mees, kes viljeleb Opium Longe’i poppi! See õõtsub ja kõlab mahedalt; me püüame mõned taustatüdrukud ära rääkida, et nad tantsima tuleksid. Vabatahtlikke?

Lhetargija (Läti)

Ambient-industriaalmuusika, millel on mõningased mõjutused paganlikust rahvamuusikast. Tagasi ülistatavate jumaluste päikese ja kuu juurde! Samuti avaldavad nad austust teistele hingedele, kes meie maakeral rändavad.

UMPIO aka Pentti Dassum (Soome)

See on voodoo-helide projekt, mis kasutab kontaktmikrofone ja elektroonika-kola, ja siis veel kola! ...mängides näiteks pärast hiina toidu söömist pulkadega. Pentti mängib löökpillimängijana veel Pharoah Pirttikangases ja Cosmo Jones Beat Machine’is. Siin on ta üksi ilma piirangute ja kompromissideta. ... Eksootiline!

Vapaa (Soome)

Võiks arvata, et nende loomingut leiab käsikäes isetehtud kunstiga mõnest San Francisco või Melbourne’i kindla niššiga plaadipoest. See eklektiline grupp on nagu üks värvikas pusle, mis näib edasi andvat mitmesugust vormi ja modaalsust. Kuulda võib saami keele tsitaate, raadio ülekandeid, häälestamata psühhofolki, vabas vormis väljendusi ning võõraid vaatenurki.

Alexei Pliousnine (Vene)

Juht ja alluv! Ta on artistina olnud aktiivne alates varastest 80-ndatest ning ta on unikaalse kitarril improviseerimise tehnika meister oma eriliste võtetega. See on justkui aja jooksul kujunenud maagia.

Kunagi oli ta ka aktiivne Peterburi ja Berliini Sergei Kurehini SKIF-i Festivali kaasorganiseerija. Olles laialdaselt esinenud Ameerika Ühendriikides ja Euroopas, lõpetas ta nii muuseas äsja ka teoreetilise füüsika eriala! Kas siis teadlikult või mitte, aga ta toob heli tootmisesse ka teadusliku lähenemise ja paradigma.

Sequoia 7 (Eesti)

Avangardse naiselikkuse superstaarid! Miks ei ole nad mööda maailma tuuritavad superstaarid? Arusaamatu! Arvesta, et nende olek ja heli naelutab su tähelepanu!

Villem (Eesti)

Villem on äsja salvestamist alustanud artist. Alandlik, kuid kogenud ja vilunud. See on abstraktne, intelligentne ja tehniline.

Raul Keller & Mihkel Kleis (Eesti)

Muusika kunstnikelt. Jah, kõik muusikud peavad end kunstnikeks, kuid siin on tegu kahe eduka kunstnikuga kujutava kunsti ja installatsioonide valdkonnast, kes kannavad seda distsipliini üle ka heli vormi. Võta seda kui improviseeritud skulptuuri või maali, mis kasutab materjali, kuju ja värvi asemel häält, rütmi ja tooni.

Kreatiivmootor (Eesti)

Irrr... Arrr... Orrr... Irrratsionaaallnneee... Täiesti irratsionaalne! Sõit traktoriga ja taluloomade peale karjumine töödeldud valjuhääldi abil koos kogu bändiga! Siit tulebki sinu soovitud hullus!


Sequoia 7
Alexei Pliousnine


Barry Andrewsin Disko
Nüm Nüm
Raul Keller & Mihkel Kleis

Sissepääs: 100 kr/päev VÕI 150 kr/festivali pass.

Esinejate transpordi laevaga suunal Helsingi – Tallinn tagab meeleldi Viking Line, ürituse suur toetaja.

Toetab Tallinn 2011. Euroopa kultuuripealinn.

Toetab Eurolines- Simple Express - Esinejate transpordi bussiga reisimine Baltimaade läbi.

Toetab Soome Suursaatkond
2 November 2010 13:51
Facebook User
Hello all,

The highly monumental first Servataguse Muusika Festival has been finalised. Specially selected experimentalist music from many varied perspectives and approaches will be on display from Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia. A sonically experimental Fenno-Baltic-Slavic spectacle.

FRIDAY Nov 12:

1234567890 (Fin)
Zahnrad (Lat)
Vapaa (Fin)
Sequoia 7 (Est)
Alexei Pliousnine (Rus)
Villem (Est)


Barry Andrewsin Disko (Fin)
Kreatiivmootor (Est)
Nüm Nüm (Lit)
Lhetargija (Lat)
Raul Keller & Mihkel Kleis (Est)

All at EAST Galerii, Pikk 36

Here is more information.. enjoy! Tickets can be pre-bought from EAST Galerii. 100 per night. 150 for a two night pass! It should be more than this... damn!!/event.php?eid=159346484094251

All the Best,

19 October 2010 19:55
Facebook User
This will be a presentation of field recordings in absolute darkness.

Mecha/Orga is the project and recording name of Yiorgis Sakellariou.
...Since 2003, 2 CDs and 5 CD-Rs have been released and Mecha/Orga has been presented live
in Greece, The Netherlands, the U.K., France, Belgium, Germany, Russia and Switzerland.

Mecha/Orga’s music and performances are mostly based on field recordings
(from passing trains to waterfalls and from refrigerator drones to desert winds),
which are filtered and mixed in real time, with the use of a laptop.

Yiorgis Sakellariou is involved with the contemporary and experimental music scene in Greece through his CD-R label “Echo Music”,
and as a member of the Contemporary Music Research Centre, and the Hellenic Electroacoustic Music Composers Association.

He’s also a participant in the Ear to the Earth organization and he has composed music for film and theatre plays.


-Sounds like they have been recorded near the sea, but then it could have been as easily hiss from cassettes or TV static
(Frans De Waard, Vital Weekly, NL)

-You have the impression of being buried alive and not able to see anything, no air to breathe,
only dull vibrations comes from the outside, indicating your perception is still working
(Dmitry Vasilyev, IEM magazine, RU)

-It sucks you in, wraps you tight and nearly stifles you
(Dan Warburton, Paristransatlantic, FR)

-Breathtaking rumble of an earthquake with overacute sibilances similar to crickets in a summer night,
everything slowly evolving into an almost unbearable, catastrophic power
(Massimo Ricci, Touching Extremes, IT)

Entrance: 35 eek, 9pm, Monday Sep 6th @ EAST Gallery, Pikk 36
5 September 2010 15:46
Facebook User
Apparently the link to the event was not correct.. copy and pasted wrong. Here is the event now...

So don't miss it... otherwise suffer at the hands of your local indie bands and all that mediocrity.


nudge nudge... this is international stuff going on!

Servataguse Muusika
19 August 2010 14:06
Facebook User
Hello all you Servataguse Muusika fans,

This is the most exciting performer I've got here in terms of being well known internationally. My friends in Melbourne are jealous... real jealous. They wish they could attend.

Interviews and reviews in Wire, Pitchfork, Dusted .... this guy is a superstar of niche experimentalism...

Arr.. whatever ... go see your crappy local band. :) ;)

wink wink --- nudge nudge

Don't miss it.
19 August 2010 03:12
Facebook User


pluss DJ Kersten Kõrge

Algab: 20.00

Sissepääs: 50 eek enne 23:00 või koos flaieriga / 75 pärast

@ ART CAFE, pärnu mnt 18

punk couple doing turbo-folk micro-orchestra

Alexei Borisov & Olga Nosova
noise passing the threshold of music

Andres Lõo
cut and paste pop twisted and spliced



Vialka hail from deepest France, via
everywhere and nowhere. They are a devilishly high-spirited
guitar/drums duo who tour hard and fast across the world. Their music
skips joyfully across borders, channeling desert blues, Chinese folk
songs, scatter rock and European gypsy song dynamics in a whirlwind of
dervish energy. Their endless gypsy punk folk rock tales, hard hitting
poly-rhythms and yelps and howls make for a danceable and intoxicating
brew. Like A Hawk And A Hacksaw or The Ex their openness to new sounds
and cultures makes you feel alive and shows that 'world punk rock' need
not be a dirty phrase.

Borisov/Nosova duo was formed in Moscow
(RF), april 2009. Music components: free improvized, live electronics,
noise, electroacoustic, spoken word, tape music etc. The duo
collaborates with different musicians, sound artists, video-artists and
poets from different countries. They take noise and concrete music and pass it through the threshold of musicality.
28 July 2010 13:46
Facebook User
Hei all,

Here's a chance for an Estonian group to support a couple of really interesting international groups and get contacts for tours abroad.

On July 29th (thursday) come two very exciting performance groups. One is Vialka from Francais and the other is the duo of Alexei Borisov and Olga Nosova from Moscow. Both have their own idioscyncracies and style, and both artistic projects are well travelled in Europe and further abroad.

So if you are interested in performing as support, make a submission to me.

Here are the myspace of 'Vialka' and 'Alexei Borisov & Olga Nosova'

contact here on facebook or on email:


29 June 2010 00:02
Facebook User
Hello all,

I invite you all to come up with a symbol/motif for the Servataguse Muusika series. The proposal that is most impressive will get the designer free entrance to all future shows. And the honour of their symbol representing Servataguse Muusika.

The only 'possible' guide I put forth is that 'perhaps' there is some concept that has reference to a 'triangle' or 'triangulation'.

So think about it and brainstorm something.

Deadline for submissions is July 11th.

Send submissions to>


24 May 2010 15:57
Facebook User
Hello to all from Servataguse Muusika facebook group.

I am inviting your involvement in future events. I want to get more people involved in its operations.

Recently I went on tour and saw how successfully experimental music shows are run in Lithuania. The difference between here and there is that there was an active network of people running the events in Lithuania. It made for a better show and sense of community.

The kind of help and participation may include:

* suggestions for future performances
* Hosting foreign artists for accommodation
* sound technics expertise
* Interviews of performers
* Assistance in promotion
* Written blogs about events in Estonian and/or Russian.
* Poster design
* Distributing posters
* Tech Equipment for events in Arts Spaces

So if you have some interest in the theme of Servataguse Muusika and would like to help please send me a message:


17 May 2010 19:24