Filipe Guerrinha
Margus Meigo, fim de semana FANTÁSTICO para si. Convido-o a colocar um gosto na minha página profissional. Obrigado. Abraço (Consultor Imobiliario Saferooms)
26 April 2015 01:16
Margus Meigo
WHat is the business about, business consulting ?
And would You liek to share some help or need information to Us as well,
so there would be interest to like it.
Also for us is great help if you share Your relgious understandings about brances of main religions or personal view, how is local and country politics in your place and what is greates walues in Your country
what you would want other people around the world would know about
And would You liek to share some help or need information to Us as well,
so there would be interest to like it.
Also for us is great help if you share Your relgious understandings about brances of main religions or personal view, how is local and country politics in your place and what is greates walues in Your country
what you would want other people around the world would know about
20 March 2015 19:22
Filipe Guerrinha
My interest is you put a like in my page:
19 March 2015 09:13
Margus Meigo
So how You found me, or why did You add, what to you do for life, or whatis the interests ?
19 March 2015 04:15
Filipe Guerrinha
No i think no
18 March 2015 23:37
Margus Meigo
Are they from some prject?
18 March 2015 23:36
Filipe Guerrinha
You are friend of Vera Gil or Alex Quendera
18 March 2015 23:28
Filipe Guerrinha
I don´t know :)
18 March 2015 23:28
Filipe Guerrinha
Hello :)
18 March 2015 23:27
Margus Meigo
Gretings, Greetings,
How can i help You ? : )
Where did you see me ?
How can i help You ? : )
Where did you see me ?
18 March 2015 23:26