Margus Meigo
Greetings, thank you for reply!
I will get back to You tomorrow i believe - some other online responsibleness (it's 2AM) and in morning with fresh head i usually have lighter view on the things so i will put my thoughts then on paper.
I try to look fear as something that is honest and more often it shows us what direction to go to overcome it. As if One takes fear as a Fear, as there is Love, then i do not look Fear as Evil - if that exists outside our mind.
I am just on many different reallitys crossroads and will try to rap some things up. One i think is that there is Energy's ... and different "entities" / "powers" need different energies so they "feed us" a different programs that will produce through us different energies depending what program it is and what programs we have "downloaded" before. Like a bits from Matrix movie i guess. The Love has also greatest aspect on this movie if you have seen it - when Love is involved then things in "imaginary world" will start to effect directly the "real world" ... that as we see in the end is just one Level.
- i know it sounds really mechanical and sciese fiction but im sure its not like that - i just do not know how to explain in in the "real" terms but i guess you have seen one of few things and can think outside the box in here.
So the Fear thing - might be just one of the Big ones that we can get along if we do not ignore it does not exist and will not scape from it. Greatest things also happen in story books with people who step on the road where is Fear right? And behind the Fear usually is not so strong powers... they are owercomed by few usually. But Fear was showing the way .. in a way to the structures that need to be eliminated, so one can be set free? Or am i just making up stuff for my self?
I did mixed up few of my realltyes but many of them are like that - crossing over. Besides... i also kind of support the Robert Anton view on realty channel theories. Cant find any big flaws on it. Just this me in facebook here - is not convinced how far can these channels go, how real are they, what comes over this made up reallty? If we are really one... then basically in a way i am talking with my self, yes?
Arrh... wanted to just say i will write tomorrow and ended up with this lol. Anyway, maybe you can already make something out from this?
Actually i found you after it come my head i must make these 2 addresses: & .. so yes, not just random find.
I will get back to You tomorrow i believe - some other online responsibleness (it's 2AM) and in morning with fresh head i usually have lighter view on the things so i will put my thoughts then on paper.
I try to look fear as something that is honest and more often it shows us what direction to go to overcome it. As if One takes fear as a Fear, as there is Love, then i do not look Fear as Evil - if that exists outside our mind.
I am just on many different reallitys crossroads and will try to rap some things up. One i think is that there is Energy's ... and different "entities" / "powers" need different energies so they "feed us" a different programs that will produce through us different energies depending what program it is and what programs we have "downloaded" before. Like a bits from Matrix movie i guess. The Love has also greatest aspect on this movie if you have seen it - when Love is involved then things in "imaginary world" will start to effect directly the "real world" ... that as we see in the end is just one Level.
- i know it sounds really mechanical and sciese fiction but im sure its not like that - i just do not know how to explain in in the "real" terms but i guess you have seen one of few things and can think outside the box in here.
So the Fear thing - might be just one of the Big ones that we can get along if we do not ignore it does not exist and will not scape from it. Greatest things also happen in story books with people who step on the road where is Fear right? And behind the Fear usually is not so strong powers... they are owercomed by few usually. But Fear was showing the way .. in a way to the structures that need to be eliminated, so one can be set free? Or am i just making up stuff for my self?
I did mixed up few of my realltyes but many of them are like that - crossing over. Besides... i also kind of support the Robert Anton view on realty channel theories. Cant find any big flaws on it. Just this me in facebook here - is not convinced how far can these channels go, how real are they, what comes over this made up reallty? If we are really one... then basically in a way i am talking with my self, yes?
Arrh... wanted to just say i will write tomorrow and ended up with this lol. Anyway, maybe you can already make something out from this?
Actually i found you after it come my head i must make these 2 addresses: & .. so yes, not just random find.
6 February 2011 02:29
Harold W. Becker
Thanks Margus, I appreciate the kind comments and perspectives. I agree that fear has been a great motivator for millenia (and in many ways a teacher as you say), yet it is usually based in false identification with a limitation whether imagined, accepted early on by suggestion, and/or incorporated via our experiences. There are many ways to misidentify fear as "real" and in the moment one has a flash of fear it can most certainly feel very real - so in that instance it will be as real as anyone makes it for themselves. In the next moment they can breathe into love which is lasting whereas fear is not.
Given my larger explanation and understanding of the relationship to love, my stating that fear itself is not real is still my consideration... I also embrace your choice to perceive that it is - neither is a right or wrong explanation, simply a choice of perspective of which makes the whole life journey more rich for the experience.
Given my larger explanation and understanding of the relationship to love, my stating that fear itself is not real is still my consideration... I also embrace your choice to perceive that it is - neither is a right or wrong explanation, simply a choice of perspective of which makes the whole life journey more rich for the experience.
6 February 2011 01:59
Margus Meigo
There was one 23 minute video from love foundation that was one of the wisest love related videos i have seen in past.
So i started to look and I found your presentation 13 years ago ( where you mention also Fear and how it's not real. I would like to know if you still think Fear is not real ?
Might Fear be as one of the Great Teachers? But by mistake it's hated, ignored or thought it's imaginary thing? Or confused with other things as cowardice, doubt, ignorance, pessimism.. that all have relation to fear i guess but i think its not same thing.
I might not be so good on explain the idea but if you get back to me i will try to get my words more in line, English is not my natural language.
There was one 23 minute video from love foundation that was one of the wisest love related videos i have seen in past.
So i started to look and I found your presentation 13 years ago ( where you mention also Fear and how it's not real. I would like to know if you still think Fear is not real ?
Might Fear be as one of the Great Teachers? But by mistake it's hated, ignored or thought it's imaginary thing? Or confused with other things as cowardice, doubt, ignorance, pessimism.. that all have relation to fear i guess but i think its not same thing.
I might not be so good on explain the idea but if you get back to me i will try to get my words more in line, English is not my natural language.
6 February 2011 01:02