Margus Meigo

I am Latvian page Admin, we cosider adding you as admin to

Could you please send me some information about yourself and answer as many questions as you can!
No problem if you can not answer all of them as it may take more time then you have, just answer all the ones you think are important enough...

Your age, languages you speak, where you live mostly
How much time you spend in facebook per week
How many friends you have in facebook, would you be able to promote Latvian page?
How much and what kind of news you read/listen
What are your political views / ideologies
How well you know latvian/general history
How well you know current Latvian issues / politics
Would you be good or bad politician - why?
Do you use often search motors for checking your fact or for getting new information?
Your short opinion of world war 2 history / hitler / stalin / usa / russia / eu / other baltics
What great Latvian related news portals do you know?
Any extra qualities? :)

See you soon!
28 April 2009 01:54