Margus Meigo
Oh, last part was meant to Estonia iwindow
8 July 2016 19:06
Margus Meigo
(Anunakkid Anu-Näkkid .P .. meite maa Anud ja näkid.. teistemaa jumalannad ja jumalused.., arvatakse.. ema oli nede pea jumal ka.. mis oli Em vms nimega.. ja jumalused egiptuses linnu peaga.. ja meil linnutee ja arusaam, et ilm on linnumunast tulnud, piltlikult)
8 July 2016 19:06
Margus Meigo
This is OK, alright David, i Will explain
8 July 2016 18:14
Oscar Arguello
I'm not understanding.
7 July 2016 20:59
Margus Meigo
Did You ask on public jet, why so?
Can You make this for me brother?
7 July 2016 13:03
Oscar Arguello
I don't know why you got banned. I am not an Admin.
7 July 2016 03:43
Oscar Arguello
Oscar Arguello accepted your request.
7 July 2016 03:43
Margus Meigo
Greetings David,

So the ramble in

Would You be able to explain to me,
by what world proper righteousness Margus Meigo was banned from a group not the person who was trouble about and who he was helping to sort out.

Where is the logic of that,
that, Larriante Sumbry El
is in
the one about who was a problem,

and the Margus Meigo, is banned, the one who offered multiple solutions, and behavioural and moral corrections with out discrimination.

Martyn Coles seems to be the one who did correction, if we can call it so.

What was the so great off points besides telling, in foreigner English, how it is ?
28 June 2016 14:48