Margus Meigo
sorr y about that all, just .. channel opened and have, had to send it to ya : )
3 November 2015 17:48
Margus Meigo
so this is enought.. for now
3 November 2015 17:48
Margus Meigo
people AND Women have to remember that the Anunakies... was a female..

and Vatican also, accepts, the Sumerian making of the man story... so just in case we have to keep that in mind... as they have plan to make some huge revelations , globally, .. based on our beliefs and prison structure.. to make it look like we become more free but actually, just releasing better version of prison IF we do not know the truth in large amount of people

eg. if they are able to eliminate the ones who might know.. then they can start new time (also literally, new time keeping, based on outer space) .. if there is to many people who might know... then they can not do, and eventually, my dream, if we keep psuing, then these fuckers have to start to live in highest human values way... that is in a way of nature and HOLY femine ... eg when long hair and all womeny things are in GREAT respect (....the ones who come... literally, the ones who come to fuck our wifes to make hybrids and all, in bible as well the sotry about it how some of them come.. but htye have been keep coming up to now..)
3 November 2015 17:48
Margus Meigo
just a some spiritual, talk for filling in some caps, and keeping road wide enought,

do not worry, to try to understand of it if it feels nonscientific or insane, just take it as some expression, of reallity and worlds, that so many live in.. and they try to express it so many ways, in songs, in movies.. but people just look it as "oh.. thats nice fantasy..."
as most people are educated with greek-roman base... that is great prison for a minds.. but i will try to turn this prison in to a tool that can not be stopped for becoming free, kind of forceful enlightenment.
so that no man is shamed to say that he demands REAL women, and demands women to be REAL... (and for sure, makes it possible for them to be them self.. not slaves for another man, for a money..)
but for that.. man have to stop allowing women to smoke.. drink and looking things in TV for no reason,
Also high heels are against a women, makeup in rutin is no good and bra is no good
also coloring hair is against women freedom and fucking around for sure, is against female...
(but with last one we have to be careful,as there is another beings, for who this is a job, to fuck around.. so they just have to be excused, and we as man have to turn in to search of another women.. as real women know they should not do it.. the ones who do not and wanna keep doing, are another kind. and they are better to leave around doing what they want... and educate man about.. what these kind of beings at times do withthem.. some fucking around ones, the spirits... suck us empty.. some help us to break barriers.. they are kind of liek devine prostitutes sacrifacing them self so man can become more near to man... but we just have to thank them and move along OR take Her for real, and from that point on 2 newer ever should sleep with no one else, evben if it happens once... then the bond is boken and only suppefisial layer of ...something... will remain, but NOT the access to afterlife.. )
3 November 2015 17:44
Margus Meigo
well.. i wonder what kind of good can they make then, when they are inside the "trust circle" of that anti women organizations that try to militarize femine

i suspect it is communist, greek-roman homo program, to turn women repulsive and to turn them like in to a viruses that will go and mess up other women minds in bulk once they gone wild.

but if they have real women source inside, then it would be great mistake to just insult their effort, then it is designed as multy level thing for Real robotic males, to help them in their level by the most unlikely source they can imagine that would activate knowledge and keep it in a mind, spreading among these kind of "man" who needs this kind of info.

You know. sad to think, there is the ones who at maximum, according to some... is able to just learn this bit about world, in this way as she says.. scary anyway to think who are these, sub humans in here, among us, we see them so many in soviet invasion time.. really, it was a alien invasion, just by looking what they did and how

so yeah, i keep thinking, solutions, and hoping, that women them self, have solution for lesbians as well, ... at least, from far away, lesbians are not homos at least, i mean, they should not generate and transform dark spiritual energy as homos are used for that channel, but this is another sotory (as there is , and will be huge amount in future, these ones, who look like women, but actually are man, kind of like man inside, but for sure not a women... these... these... will thnk what to do about these... humans must realize we are perfect as we have possibilty to become better, in direction of ideal that religions talk about, (and in truth once real man and women join in to one, in proper way. this is one of the main aims we can wish for, but this hapens RARELY in this earth now.. as hybrids are in so large numbers and they are tuned in to to mate with non hybrids, .. to eliminate pure human ways... to get one proper slave, obidiant race who is incapable of taking care of them self, as Jewish, Hebrew culture and others took care of them self before... greek-romans did not like that (or rather.. the spirits behind them..)))
3 November 2015 17:37
Margus Meigo
but this is the mindset i have discovered on some broken women, they are programmed to think that all man are robotic impencilles and they have to be cared for as retarded children, but not just cared as toy but also tricked in to, to do things and then pay them back with sex (basically making them self in to what they blame man is blaming them to be).

Am not really sure jet, if lesbians and broken ones are something to compare to real, natural women but if they have potential in them to become self awere in the levels of real females (you know, the ones who can run naked with a wolfes in a woods and know how to knit, weave a folk traditional magic patterns in to a cardigan besides knowing medical and mystical plants for body and mind. )
3 November 2015 17:28
Margus Meigo
3 November 2015 17:21
Prentice Reid
Unbelievable. Thanks for the link Margus. Great info. I'll be posting this today.
3 November 2015 16:00
Margus Meigo
but hopefully they know solution
3 November 2015 15:10
Margus Meigo
i send it to few feminist groups to ask them how should we help Her, have not jet get reply,
3 November 2015 15:09
Margus Meigo
take look at that
3 November 2015 15:09
Margus Meigo
3 November 2015 15:09
Margus Meigo
3 November 2015 15:08
Margus Meigo
even for other man
3 August 2015 19:13
Margus Meigo
and now all kind of prics selling this stuff.. and it is all around internet for free as wel... and it produces messed up womens.. and messed up womens make messed up things against other man later for revange or for confusion as the other guy remids the other one... so... for that reason, we must look out for predator people, and also.. worry abot, what we gonna do about it, as they are powerful as well
3 August 2015 19:13
Margus Meigo
as i know it is messed up, but with huge amount of women, these kind of abuse works, women them self have told me and that scary.. as the predators can easily take ower many womens who have huspands in home.. as they can activate many different higer level and lover level things in women that makes her obay
3 August 2015 19:12
Margus Meigo
well but take look this guy board what he teach, this is kind of stuf man must take action on to and give lesson or two to guys like that
3 August 2015 19:10
Prentice Reid
Ok thanks
3 August 2015 18:42
Margus Meigo
i send some chicks to ur contacts,
so the company will be more slick
3 August 2015 16:37