Margus Meigo
I am my self a little on the side of shamanic (plant based, ritual free) & abrahamic-hebrew (for moral rules, politic free)
on the side of matriarchy

So can take in to account my these worlds a bit, if that helps in explenation.

It is a little bit important, You frist one i ask, for as i see You'r huspand is a lot in to information, so i felt, Your ansestors might have revealed you the core understandings,
besides a lot of godly people from traditions You have meet
18 June 2017 13:45
Margus Meigo
Where is best easy and in depth / coparative websites/data about it ?

Is it trully benefitial as Chinese astrology seems to be and what is the diference between the astrology systems, is there system to put all these systems, in to a system whit explenation, from Earth or most natural point of view,

and what is to known, how these systems are looked by other beings, and who they are
18 June 2017 13:40
Margus Meigo
Greetings whit al lrespect,
Do You know aboutr Nakshatra / lunar mansions ?
18 June 2017 13:38