Margus Meigo
But in generally i asked, how do you feel, does that morgan video apply to a womens day video,
eg is womens day not a good thing actually or is it best we can do, should it stay and why it is good ?
11 March 2015 12:46
Margus Meigo
Well, havenot jet started to talk about hel, but that is tpic aswell, you think there is a hell and in how many levels, is it besides that life or inside that life?
11 March 2015 12:45
Zofia Szeretlek
What the hell are you talking about?
11 March 2015 11:36
Margus Meigo
I send All Your group admins this message, hope You okey with it:

Good Female day,
#femaleday .:. #WomensDay .:. #Matriarchy

and my expression about it all (kind of), in a minute:

How You feel about it?
(the tags are to find similar posts and groups, pages around the facebook, also the opposite ones that can be educated, so it is good to make list of strange groups and give them visit sometimes regulary by random members with passion to share alternative view for first time visitors, just know that sometimes You might end up arguing with non human, so take with less emotion more with feelings and calm motherly care!) !
9 March 2015 02:50